On Elgin Marbles >>
British Committee for the Reunification of the Parthenon
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Marbles Reunited >>

Internationella Parthenonkommittén >>

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Innehållsrik website om problematiken kring Parthenon-
frisen >>

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SVERIGE | Svenska Dagbladet

5-6 December | 2012 |

Två aktuella artiklar om grekisk kultur och politik i svensk press:

Filmlandet Grekland går stärkt ur krisen

NY NEOREALISM Det ekonomiska förfallet har inneburit en nytändning för den grekiska filmen. [...]

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Perspektiv på det grekiska dilemmat

GREKLANDS DICKENS Den store 1800-talsförfattaren Alexandros Papadiamantis skildrade fattigdomen i en brytningstid mellan gammalt och nytt. [...]
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Se även del 3 av "Världens händelser" på SVT: Militärkuppen i Grekland >>

SVERIGE | Svenska Dagbladet

15 Oktober | 2012 |

Grekiskt kulturliv satt under press

GREKLANDS KRIS Kulturlivet i Grekland har drabbats hårt av den ekonomiska krisen. Stödet till kulturlivet minskar från både staten och privata finansiärer. SvD har besökt en kultursektor i recession, där många tvingas arbeta gratis för att hålla verksamheterna igång.

Av Marie Mauzy

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AUSTRALIA | Greek Reporter

13 October | 2012 |

New book from Australia

"How the Greeks Can Get Their Marbles Back - the legal argument for the return of the Parthenon Marbles to Greece".

Lawyer Kathryn-Magnolia Feeley puts forward her own proposal for the return of the Parthenon Marbles in a new book.



12 October | 2012 |

Five of history's most important places

Trying to pick the most significant places in history is not an easy task when there are so many contenders. But History of the World presenter Andrew Marr has narrowed it down to five. Athens is one...

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GREECE | Kathimerini

8 October | 2012 |

Six headstrong women confidently raise the roof

By Camille Paglia

When is the burden of the gods lighter than air? Six stately young women stand like sentinels on a marble parapet atop the Athenian Acropolis. They are gazing at the Parthenon, the great temple of Athena that, even in its present ruin, is one of the marvels of the world.

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SVERIGE | Svenska Dagbladet

2 Oktober | 2012 |

Rättmätiga krav - eller kulturell utpressning?

Parthenonfrisen från Aten står i British Museum i London. Ishtarporten från Babylon tronar i Pergamonmuseet i Berlin. Och Louvren....

Av Anders Q Björkman

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September | 2012 |

A meeting between the Greek Prime Minister Andonis Samaras and the Chair of The International Committee for The Reunification of the Parthenon Marbles, Mr David Hill, took place in Athens on September 27th. The Greek Culture Minister Kostas Tzavaras was also invited to participiate in the discussions on strategies for further contacts with the British government on the issue.
A new meeting in Athens will take place on Tuesday October 2nd. Invited then are also MP Andrew George, Matthew Taylor and Maria Koutsikou of UK Marbles Reunited, Fabrizio Miccalizi and Rodin Kratsa of Swiss Committee and Professor Reinhard Stupperich of the German Committee.


19 September | 2012 |

Kulturministeriet i Aten meddelade idag att en ny kommitté har bildats som genom påtryckningar ska verka för ett återförenande av Parthenonskulpturerna i Aten, Grekland.

Kommittémedlemmar är: Melina Mercouristiftelsens president Christoforos Argyropoulos, arkeolog Eleni Korka, juridiska ombudet Irini Stamatoudi och Utrikesministeriets representant Panos Kalogeropoulos.

GREAT BRITAIN | The National Herald

September 19 | 2012 |

The Acropolis Museum receives the 2012 Keck Award

ATHENS. On Friday 14 September 2012, the Acropolis Museum was awarded by the International Institute for Conservation (IIC) in Vienna, with the Keck Award 2012.

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GREAT BRITAIN | Independent

08 September | 2012 |

We want our masterpiece back – Italians petition France to return Mona Lisa to Florence

Italian campaigners have collected more than 150,000 signatures calling on the Louvre Museum in Paris to hand over Leonardo Da Vinci's Mona Lisa to its "home city" of Florence.

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July 11 | 2012 |

G. B. Lusieri exhibited at The Scottish National Gallery in Edinburgh

Giovanni Battista Lusieri - Lord Elgins's artist's work on display in Edinburgh, Scotland until October 28th.

Read about the exhibition >>

Read about the exhibition >>

UK | PRNewswire

June | 2012 |

LONDON, June 11, 2012 /PRNewswire/ --

Universal Museum Concept & Debate at the Global London Colloquy June 19, 2012

The concept of the Universal Museum is at the heart of current debates about cultural property and nowhere more so than in the case of the Parthenon Marbles being held by the British Museum - arguably the definitive example of a 'Universal Museum'. It is a subject that will be examined at the an international colloquy on "The Reunification of the Parthenon Marbles" to be held in London 19 & 20 June, to register please visit http://www.parthenonuk.com

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UK | intelligencesquared.com

June 11 | 2012 |

MOTION: Send them back: The Parthenon Marbles should be returned to Athens

When? Monday June 11th, 2012,
Where? Cadogan Hall, LONDON

Doors open at 6pm. The debate will begin at 6.45pm and finish at 8.30pm

Please note: this debate will be filmed for later broadcast on BBC World News.

Speakers for the motion:
Andrew George
Chairman of Marbles Reunited and Liberal Democrat MP for St Ives

Stephen Fry
Actor, writer, comedian, and broadcaster

Zeinab Badawi
BBC World News presenter

Speakers against the motion:
Felipe Fernández-Armesto
William P Reynolds Professor of History, the University of Notre Dame

Tristram Hunt
Broadcaster, historian and newspaper columnist; Labour MP for Stoke-on-Trent Central

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Follow up of the debate >>


June 3 | 2012 |

BBC Four

Drama-documentary in which art critic Andrew Graham-Dixon tells the story of the greatest cultural controversy of the last 200 years. He explores the history of the Elgin Marbles, tells the dramatic story of their removal from Athens and cites the arguments for and against their return to Greece.

The Elgin Marbles Duration: 1 hour, 30 minutes Sun 3 Jun 2012 21:00 BBC Four, Repeats Mon 4 Jun 2012 02:30

BBC Four >>

GREECE | goodnews.gr

May | 2012 |

22 Nobelists support Greece!

The petition is addressed to Martin Schulz, President of the European Parliament, Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council, and Jose Manuel Durao Barroso, President of the EU Commission.

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UK | The Guardian | The Observer

May 20 | 2012 |

By Henry Porter

The Greeks gave us the Olympics. Let them have their marbles.

Elgin's behaviour would be absolutely unacceptable today.

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Comment to this article in the Greek newspaper Kathemerini >>

UK | avaaz.org

May | 2012 |


Commitment to reunite all the surviving Parthenon Marbles in the New Acropolis Museum by the 2012 Olympics.

Petition to: The Rt Hon David Cameron MP; Prime Minister; United Kingdom, Neil MacGregor; Director; British Museum, The Trustees of the British Museum, Jeremy Hunt; Secretary of State for Culture; United Kingdom

Read the petition and if you wish sign! >>

USA | Hellenic American Leadership Council

May | 2012 |


Return the Parthenon Marbles to Greece before the London 2012 Olympics

Over 200 years ago, the Ottomans granted British ambassador Thomas Bruce, 7th Earl of Elgin, a controversial permit to pillage the Parthenon. By the time the Earl of Elgin was done, half of the Parthenon's sculptures and other pieces of Greece's cultural history were shipped off to Britain.

The time has come for this injustice to be remedied and for the Parthenon Marbles to be sent home to Greece.


Read the appeal >>

USA | Bloomberg

April 30 | 2012 |

By Marc Champion

Economic Lessons From the Greek Acropolis

Greece is in the state it's in because the government had its fingers in industries long since privatized elsewhere; it spent and borrowed recklessly; it failed to collect taxes; and it couldn't pay when the music stopped on the global economy.

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AUSTRALIA | greekreporter.com

April 24 | 2012 |

By Marianna Tsatsou from UK

Solidarity Placard for Greeks Inside the British Museum

For years, the British Museum has been a sort of guest room for the Parthenon Marbles. Hundreds of tourists visit the Greek sculptures, despite the fact that they are many miles away from their birthplace.

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AUSTRALIA | greekreporter.com

April 13 | 2012 |

Greek Australians Will Visit London to Ask For Restitution of Parthenon Marbles
By Marianna Tsatsou

British actor Stephen Fry called on the British government for the return of the Parthenon marbles to Greece. Now the Greek Diaspora in Australia has also decided to exert pressure on English officials for the same reason.

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GREECE | acropolisofathens.gr

April | 2012 |

New website with a rich material about Acropolis and its treasures


Answer 10 questions, give your precious feedback!

Visit the website >>

www | Google

April | 2012 |

Googles nya satsning på konst: Google Art Project

Visit Google Art >>

GREECE | all4parthenon.gr

April | 2012 |

World Premiere - New Greek Opera About The Return of The Parthenon
Marbles From the British Museum - Press Release

Imeros is a non-for-profit organization (NFP) founded in 1995 by a group of scholars and artists based in Athens. Imeros aims to produce dance theater performances after research on a specific topic. Its original purpose was for actors, dancers, musicians and artists to collaborate and find new ways of expression. The Company was previously sponsored by the Ministry of Culture, but since February 2011 it is an independent Non-Profit Organization and its goal is to promote cultural development globally.

We are writing to invite you to our new opera "Opus Elgin: the Destruction of the Parthenon" (http://www.all4parthenon.gr/), which is an original opera by Theodore Stathis making its World Premiere on May 29th, 2012 at the Athens Concert Hall/Alexandra Triandi Stage at 8:00 PM, in Athens Greece.

We hope you can help spread the news or put us in touch with other organizations globally who are also engaged in this effort. We plan on bringing this opera around the world for the sole purpose of increasing awareness, but more importantly applying pressure on the British government to safely return the Parthenon Marbles to our new state-of the art Acropolis museum in Athens.

We appreciate any way you could help.

Warm regards,

Joanna Stathis-Koutsos
Imeros USA

Visit the website >>

GREAT BRITAIN | The Guardian

April 1 | 2012 |

By Helena Smith in Athens
The Guardian

Stephen Fry lends support to Greek calls to return Elgin marbles to Athens

London 2012 Olympics are an opportunity to 'redress a great wrong' and give back Parthenon sculptures, says British actor.

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GREAT BRITAIN | globalgreekworldblogspot.co.uk

March 31 | 2012 |

Open Letter to Mr David Cameron re The Parthenon Sculptures Issue and the London Olympic Games

The following is the text of the Open Letter to Mr David Cameron, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, which was issued today by Mr Alexis Mantheakis, Chairman of the International Parthenon Sculptures Action Committee Inc (NZ), requesting the repatriation of the Parthenon Sculptures.

Read the Open Letter >>

GREECE | Greek Reporter

March 22 | 2012 |

By Areti Kotseli

21 Documents About the Return of the Parthenon Marbles Revealed after 200 Years

Since its establishment in 1821, the Greek state has declared its intentions to return to Athens the sculptures from the Parthenon held by the British Museum.

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USA | Forbes

March 15 | 2012 |

Paula DiPerna, Contributor

One Way Greece Could Get Out Of Debt: License Its History

Of all the places I know, Greece lies most at the core to me, the place to which I always return as if visiting a beloved, again. To be there has always meant to be surrounded by life, poems, history, legacy, beauty of place, art and timelessness. Greece, for so many, has been a fountain of thought, cradle and pillar of western civilization, of course.

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Sverige | Svenska Dagbladet

Februari 18 | 2012 |

Av Malin Axelsson

Kulturminister avgår efter konststöld

Greklands kulturminister Pavlos Geroulanos har lämnat in sin avskedsansökan efter ett beväpnat rån mot Arkeologiska museet i Olympia. Rånare stal ett 60-tal verk i brons och lera samt en guldring, rapporterar AP. Tidigare i år rånades även National Gallery i Aten.

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