Länkar: On Elgin Marbles >> British Committee for the Reunification of the Parthenon Marbles >> Parthenon 2004 >> Brittisk kampanj European Forum for the Arts and Heritage >> Unesco >> Innehållsrik website om problematiken kring Parthenon- frisen >> |
Nyheter om Parthenonfrisen 2009 | |||||
GREECE | | 22 December, 2009 | Restoration of Acropolis Propylaea completed All scaffolding and cranes were fully removed from the Propylaea of the Acropolis, the monumental entrance, or gateway, to the Acropolis, on the weekend following completion of the restoration work on the central building of the structure. The Propylaea was built under the direction of Athenian leader Pericles, but the building itself was designed by the architect Mnesicles, while construction began in 437 BCE and was terminated in 432 BCE, while the building was still unfinished. Läs artikeln >> IRLAND | The Irish Times | 21 December, 2009 | The gods are in the details By EILEEN BATTERSBY The New Acropolis Museum, which sits below the Parthenon, is a fitting tribute to the area’s Classical past and its myths about Greek gods, as its curator, Dimitrios Pandermalis, explains. IT HAS TO BE this way; the finest of modern design had to bow to the gods. And in Athens it could be no other way. High above the city is the hill of the Acropolis, the citadel upon which the remains of the Parthenon, the finest Doric temple in the world, stands. Whether viewed by day or night, it is a dramatic sight. The Acropolis separates daily life from what was and remains mythic symbolism. The centuries fall away and you are looking at not only the beginning of history, but of civilisation, of democracy, of literature. Various cults used to dwell in caves in the slopes of the Acropolis; cults devoted to Zeus, Apollo, Pan and the nymph Aglauros, daughter of Kekrops, once king of Athens. Läs artikeln >> GREECE | | 10 November, 2009 | New museum in Athens inspires exhibit at Wallach Gallery "The New Acropolis Museum" incorporates architectural models, casts of classical Greek pottery and sculpture, and rare books and prints in Wallach Gallery. By Kat Balkoski Läs artikeln >> GREECE | | November, 2009 | Two new Airbus aircraft, "Cleisthenes" and "Pheidias", take the New Acropolis Museum and Greece on a journey around the world. Läs artikeln >> GREECE |Athens News Agency | 02 November, 2009 | UN chief in Athens United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon is due to arrive in Athens on Tuesday to take part in a conference focusing on Inter-faith dialogue. [...] Afterwards, Ban Ki Moon will be received by President Karolos Papoulias, who will host a lunch in the UN chief's honour. In the afternoon, the UN Sec-Gen and his wife will visit the New Acropolis Museum and in the evening will dine with the premier and his wife. Läs artikeln >> GREECE |Athens News Agency |27 October, 2009 | Culture ministry priorities Culture and Tourism Minister Pavlos Geroulanos underlined Monday that his top priority would be to organise the newly merged ministry of culture and tourism and the solutions that need to be given to lingering problems, while clarifying that he is the only one responsible for the culture sector. On the strategy being followed for the return of the Parthenon Marbles to Greece, Geroulanos stressed that the efforts will continue. He also noted that the British Museum appeared to be concerned, since it had taken the trouble to distribute leaflets giving its positions called "why the Marbles must stay" (at the British Museum). Läs artikeln >> SVERIGE | Sveriges Radio | 29 oktober, 2009 | Sveriges Radio P1 OBS kulturkvarten Konstvetaren Hans Henrik Brummer om Parthenonfejden I Obs fortsätter debatten om vem som egentligen äger antiken, med utgångspunkt i den pågående Parthenonfejden mellan Grekland och Storbritannien. Lyssna på programinslaget >> Läs programislaget som text >> GREKLAND | | October, 2009 | Grekland har, efter nyval, fått en ny regering. Ny premiärminister är Georgos Papandreou. Den nye kulturministern heter Paulos Geroulanos. Mer om kulturministern (på grekiska) >> AFRICA | ModernGhana | 23 October, 2009 | CHINESE RESEARCH ARTEFACTS LOOTED IN ANGLO-FRENCH ATTACK ON SUMMER PALACE IN 1860: DO "GREAT MUSEUMS" NOT KEEP RECORDS? By Kwame Opoku, Dr. "Two robbers breaking into a museum, devastating, looting and burning, leaving laughing hand-in-hand with their bags full of treasures; one of the robbers is called France and the other Britain." Victor Hugo. China has announced its intention of sending groups of researchers to various museums in the West, especially France, Britain and United States, such as the British Museum and the Victoria and Albert Museum to draw a list of the artefacts that were looted in 1860 during the Anglo-French invasion of Beijing, (then Peking). Victor Hugo had expressed the wish and the hope that one day France and Britain would return the looted objects taken from an Asian country, thousands of miles away from France and Britain, that had been attacked because of its resistance to European imperialism. Läs artikeln >> GREAT BRITAIN | The Guardian | 22 October, 2009 | A banana republic police HQ maybe, but not a home for the Elgin marbles By Simon Jenkins I am a restitutionist – but the new museum fails to clinch the case. It is not so much an argument as a punch in the face. Läs artikeln >> Prof. Anthony Snodgrass' svar på artikeln >> IRAN | PRESSTV | 22 October, 2009 | Iran's ultimatum on Cyrus cylinder worries UK The British Museum has informed Iran in a letter that a delegation will be sent to Tehran to discuss the loaning of the Achaemenid Cyrus cylinder to Iran. Läs artikeln >> GERMANY | Der Spiegel | 20 October, 2009 | Berlin's Nefertiti Trouble Egyptian Official Calls Museum Behavior 'Suspicious' She's been dead thousands of years but she's still causing trouble. The bust of Queen Nefertiti has taken pride of place in Berlin's New Museum, re-opened this weekend after 70 years. Now Zahi Hawass, head of Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities, says Berlin should give it back. Läs artikeln >> AFRICA | ModernGhana | 16 October, 2009 | HAWASS REQUESTS ROSETTA STONE: WILL BRITISH MUSEUM MAKE A BOLD CONCILIATORY GESTURE? By Kwame Opoku, Dr. In an article entitled Egypt asks British Museum for the Rosetta Stone after Louvre victory, the British Daily Telegraph reports that soon after the Louvre has agreed to return the stolen frescoes, Zahi Hawass, the dynamic Secretary-General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities has asked the British Museum for a loan of the Rosetta Stone. The Telegraph also reports that: "Mr. Hawass acknowledged that seeking the return of the Rosetta Stone was a different proposition from the painted fragments in the Louvre." The paper adds that: "A spokesman said the British Museum "enjoys good relations" with Egypt and promised to consider Mr Hawass's request."(1) Läs artikeln >> CANADA | National Post | 3 October, 2009 | Ready For The Return By Ian McKellar The impressive new Acropolis Museum makes the case that Greece is all set for the Elgin Marbles Läs artikeln >> ENGLAND | PIDGEON DIGITAL | October, 2009 | Nu kan du lyssna på en föreläsning av Bernhard Tschumi, arkitekten bakom det nya Akropolismuseet. Obs! Endast under oktober månad 2009. Lyssna på föredraget >> AFRICA | Modern Ghana | 29 September, 2009 | IS ICOM BECOMING AN INSTRUMENT OF THE SO-CALLED UNIVERSAL MUSEUMS? COMMENTS ON STATEMENT BY DIRECTOR-GENERAL OF ICOM THAT PARTHENON/ELGIN MARBLES SHOULD STAY IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM By Kwame Opuko Read the article >> ENGLAND | THE BRITISH COMMITTEE FOR THE REUNIFICATION OF THE PARTHENON SCULPTURES | 19 September, 2009 | Fourth Plinth in Trafalgar Square THE BRITISH COMMITTEE FOR THE REUNIFICATION OF THE PARTHENON SCULPTURES SUPPORT SOFKA SMALES AS SHE MAKES HER STAND ON THE FOURTH PLINTH IN TRAFALGAR SQUARE! View video of Sofkas performance >> USA | WORLDFOCUS | 16 September, 2009 | Safeguarding the world’s ancient treasures By Lynn Sherr This week, Worldfocus aired a report by special correspondent Lynn Sherr and producer Megan Thompson exploring the new Acropolis museum in Athens and the controversy over the appropriate home for the many Parthenon sculptures currently housed in the British Museum in London. Read the article >> USA | WORLDFOCUS | 15 September, 2009 | Old and new at the Acropolis Museum in Greece By Lynn Sherr This summer, the new Acropolis Museum opened in Athens, Greece. It’s a state-of the-art, earthquake-resistant facility featuring sophisticated technology for climate control and surveillance. But one thing you won’t find here — many of the original Parthenon sculptures, now housed mostly in the British Museum. In this exclusive behind-the-scenes tour at the new museum, Director Dimitris Pantermalis shows Lynn Sherr the beauty of the original sculptures — and the modern plaster replicas that serve as stark reminders of what has been lost. View videointerview >> USA | WORLDFOCUS | 15 September, 2009 | Greeks lobby for return of Parthenon marbles to Athens By Lynn Sherr Greece has been engaged in a long dispute over some of the world’s most famous sculptures. The sculptures were taken from the Parthenon almost 200 years ago and brought to Britain, and the Greeks argue they should be returned to Athens. Worldfocus special correspondent Lynn Sherr and producer Megan Thompson report on Greece’s efforts to recover the precious statues. Also, view extended interviews and an interactive tour of the Parthenon Frieze in the Acropolis Museum. View video >> ENGLAND | Todmorden News | 11 September, 2009 | Sofka takes a stand: Time on London plinth will promote cause close to her heart The fourth plinth beckons for a student from Todmorden who will promote a cause close to her heart. When 19-year-old Sofka Smales, from Todmorden, heard she had won a place on the fourth plinth in Trafalgar Square, she decided to seize the opportunity to say "Send the Elgin Marbles home". Read the article >> SVERIGE | Dagens Nyheter | 7 September, 2009 | Möte mellan två tidsepoker Av Leo Gullbring NEW YORK. Bernard Tschumi har fått beröm för det nya Akropolismuseet i Aten. Vad gör han härnäst? Ett blått torn på Manhattan, stadsplaner för Singapore och Abu Dhabi. Det är dags att tänka på arkitekturens sociala sammanhang, säger Tschumi till DN:s Leo Gullbring i New York. Sedan det nya Akropolismuseet invigdes i Aten i slutet av juni har debatten rasat kring friserna från huvudtemplet Parthenon, varav originalen från den finaste delen hänger på British Museum. Stolta över sitt nya museum menar grekerna att britterna nu inte längre kan hävda att Aten saknar en byggnad som kan härbärgera friserna som fördes till London i början av 1800-talet. Läs artikeln >> GREECE | | August , 2009 | ACROPOLIS MUSEUM Over 500,000 people visited new building in last two months More than half a million people have visited the Acropolis Museum since it opened to the public just over two months ago, the museum’s management said yesterday. More specifically, a total of 523,540 visitors have viewed the museum’s exhibits since June 20. Of these, 60 percent are foreign visitors, museum officials said. During the same two-month period, 409,000 hits by different users from 180 countries were recorded by the museum’s website, www.theacropolismuseum.gr. LONDON | Heritage Key | August 24, 2009 | Interview: New Acropolis Museum Architect Bernard Tschumi on Building a Home for Missing Marbles By Helen Atkinson New Acropolis Museum, Athens. Image Credit - Bernard Tschumi Architects The New Acropolis Museum is arguably the most high-profile building to go up this decade (since we in New York are still peering into a big hole in the ground that is supposed to produce a new World Trade Centre). Essentially a smack in the face of the British Museum's argument that Athens has no suitable venue in which to house the Elgin Marbles, it's also the most controversial. I spoke to Bernard Tschumi, the outspoken architect who designed this extraordinary building. Läs artikeln >> USA | Foreign Policy | August 21, 2009 | Is Greece Losing its Elgin Marbles? BY SUSAN EMERLING The battle between antiquities-loving and antiquities-producing countries continues. Läs artikeln >> Läs kommentar av Nico Nicolaides >> CHINA | China View | August 11, 2009 | New Acropolis Museum a tourist hot spot for Athens by Xinhua writer Liang Yeqian ATHENS, Aug. 10 (Xinhua) -- Tourists are flocking to the newly opened Acropolis Museum in Athens this summer, despite the annual exodus of Athenians on vacation to Greece's islands and countryside. Dimitrios Pantermalis, director of the new Acropolis Museum, told Xinhua in a recent interview that the new museum attracted more than 250,000 visitors from all over the world in the first month since its opening on June 20. Läs artikeln >> USA | The New York Times | ArtBeat | August 5, 2009 | Acropolis Museum Won’t Edit Controversial Short Film By Melena Ryzik Animated characters are causing scuffles in the religious community – but this time, they’re not in "South Park." The newly-opened Acropolis Museum in Greece has reversed a decision to edit part of a short film by the Greek-born director Costa-Gavras after protests and the threat of a lawsuit, the Los Angeles Times reported. Läs artikeln >> UK | Marbles Reunited | July 2009 | Newsletter from The Marbles Reunited campaign for the reunification fo the Parthenon Marbles: Läs Nyhetsbrevet >> USA | New York Times | July 25, 2009 | Scene Cut From Athens Museum Film After Protests By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ATHENS, Greece (AP) -- A scene from an animated film shown to visitors at the new Acropolis Museum that depicts Christian priests destroying parts of the Parthenon has been deleted following protests by the Greek Orthodox Church. The creator of the segment, Greek-born French filmmaker Constantin Costa-Gavras, has demanded that his name be taken off the film credits in protest. Läs artikeln >> USA | CultureGrrl | Blog | July 2009 | Lee Rosenbaum's cultural commentary MacGregor Whopper: Greek Government "Simply Continued Elgin’s Practice" It was one of those astonishing "did he really say that?" moments. The speaker was Neil MacGregor, director of the British Museum, near the end of his riff on why the Elgin Marbles should remain at the British Museum (which he directs). His comments were part of this conversation with Nicholas Serota, director of the Tate. John Wilson was the moderator. Läs artikeln >> UK | TIMESONLINE | July 18, 2009 | Neil MacGregor lifts British Museum’s ambition to new heights By Tristram Hunt This is why the Elgin Marbles are not going back. With characteristic panache, Neil MacGregor is once again making the case for the British Museum as a museum of all mankind. In 100 episodes based around 100 objects from the Bloomsbury collection, Mr MacGregor aims to cement the British Museum’s Enlightenment credentials. And he’s doing so with some ambitious inter-disciplinary thinking. With comments. Läs artikeln >> AUSTRALIA | GRReporter | July 14, 2009 | Black Parthenon magic A mourning installation appeared in Melbourne in the beginning of July, called “The Black Parthenon.” With the help of a black canvas in chiaroscuro lighting and quirked in a way, which resembles the original Athenian Acropolis, the Greek origin artist Konstantinos Dimopoulos expressed his support for the return of the Parthenon marbles back to Athens. Läs artikeln >> CANADA | thestar.com | July 11, 2009 | Modernity enhances antiquity Nearby Parthenon inspires reverent tribute to the wonders of Greece's Golden Age By Christopher Hume Architecture critic ATHENS – Architectural egotism notwithstanding, who wouldn't be intimidated by the thought of designing a companion to the Parthenon? Not Swiss-born, New York-based architect Bernard Tschumi. His New Acropolis Museum, which opened in Athens just weeks ago, sits at the foot of the celebrated site, just 300 metres from the seminal structure. Läs artikeln >> UK | The Guardian | July 8, 2009 | Museums' future lies on the internet, say Serota and MacGregor Museum chiefs paint multimedia future for institutions Two titans of the British museum world, Sir Nicholas Serota and Neil MacGregor, last night sketched out their visions for the museum of the future. Both said that the relationship between institutions and their audiences would be transformed by the internet. Museums, they said, would become more like multimedia organisations. "The future has to be, without question, the museum as a publisher and broadcaster," said MacGregor, director of the British Museum. Läs artikeln >> USA | TransWorldNews | July 7, 2009 | Alexey Steele receives a prestigious Artemis Award and announces the formation of Artists for Marbles Alexey Steele receives a prestigious Artemis Award in Athens during the opening week of the New Acropolis Museum and announces the formation of Artists for Marbles campaign: Artists for Return of Parthenon Marbles to Acropolis. Läs artikeln >> Artists for Marbles >> SVERIGE | Dagens Nyheter | 7 juli, 2009 | Alla är vi delar av historien Det nya Akropolismuseet i Aten har invigts. DN:s Ola Larsmo fann ett museum där besökaren sjunker ner i det förflutnas sediment. Och antiken går alltjämt i vitt, trots att den egentligen sprakade av färger. Läs artikeln >> CHINA | People's Daily Online | July 06, 2009 | Greece's positive image further enhanced and solidified following world media coverage of the new Acropolis Museum Greece's Culture Minister Antonis Samaras and the Secretary General of Communication of Greece's Interior Ministry Panos Livadas presented the positive impact of the mass media coverage all over the world on Greece's international image, in the context of the opening of the New Acropolis Museum in Athens on June 20, 2009. Speaking during a Press Conference in Athens on Monday June 29, the Greek Culture Minister A. Samaras told Media that the authorities' target to attract attention through the international media was successfully met. Mr. Livadas presented in detail facets of the media coverage of the widely anticipated event, noting that the opening of the new Acropolis Museum has undoubtedly added value to the country's positive image that had been already significantly upgraded after the safe and successful organization of the Athens 2004 Olympic Games. Läs artikeln >> UK | VANITY FAIR | July, 2009 | The Lovely Stones By Christopher Hitchens Among the first to visit Greece’s new Acropolis Museum, devoted to the Parthenon and other temples, the author reviews the origins of a gloriously “right” structure (part of a fifth-century-b.c. stimulus plan) and the continuing outrage that half its façade is still in London. Läs artikeln >> GREECE | Athens News Agency | 3 July, 2009 | Cyprus House call for Marbles The Cyprus House of Representatives has called for the return of Parthenon sculptures to Greece. In a resolution which the House plenary adopted unanimously on Thursday, Cypriot MPs called on the British government and every other competent authority of the United Kingdom to give a definite end to the adventure of the Marbles, by returning them to their natural space. Läs artikeln >> USA | The Wall Street Journal | World | 30 Jun, 2009 | At the Foot of the Acropolis By CHRISTINE PIROVOLAKIS What could present more of a challenge than designing a major new building to stand at the foot of the Acropolis, revered as one of the great architectural achievements of Western civilization? That new structure is the 130 million EURO ($182.9 million) Acropolis Museum, which, after more than 30 years in the making, finally opened to the public on June 20. Braving the blazing sun and heat, crowds by the thousands thronged its gates eager to be among the first to explore the museum's vast collection of sculptures and artifacts from ancient Greece. Läs artikeln >> UK | The Guardian | Jun 30, 2009 | The battle for the Parthenon marbles Following the success of the newly opened Acropolis Museum, Greek officials are more determined than ever to retrieve their missing heritage. Helena Smith reports from Athens. Läs artikeln >> USA | The New York Times |18 Jun, 2009 | Majestic in Exile By NIKOS KONSTANDARAS As a Greek, I have to visit the Parthenon Marbles in the British Museum whenever I am in London. I understand the strong feelings of my compatriots who want to see these unsurpassed sculptures returned home, ending the wrong done by Thomas Bruce, 7th Earl of Elgin, two centuries ago. I feel the sense of dislocation — the incongruity — of the brilliance of Classical Athens at its peak trapped in a dull northern light, carried off by a foreign aristocrat and sold at a time when Greece itself was enslaved and its people unable to prevent the looting of their treasures. Läs artikeln >> SVERIGE | Svenska Dagbladet | 16 juni, 2009 | Nytt museum i blåsväder DRAGKAMP. I helgen öppnar nya Akropolismuseet i Aten. Samtidigt har bråket mellan Grekland och Storbritannien tagit ny fart. Museet har blivit ett propagandainstrument i kampen om de grekiska marmorföremål som finns på British Museum. Läs artikeln >> STORBRITANNIEN | The Guardian | Jun 16, 2009 | 'Our goal is to have the best museum in the world' By Stephen Moss Ancient Athens lies at the root of western culture, yet the battles over the marbles that once adorned the Parthenon have been far from civilised. Could the city's new Acropolis Museum offer a fresh beginning? Stephen Moss gets an exclusive preview. Läs artikeln >> GREECE | Athens News Agency | Jun 16, 2009 | New Acropolis Museum inauguration live on museum's portal The New Acropolis Museum will be inaugurated on Saturday, June 20, by President of the Republic Karolos Papoulias in an official ceremony that will be attended by heads of state and government and noted international figures, and will be broadcast on television throughout the world. The inauguration ceremony will also be broadcast live on the internet, on the Museum's website at www.theacropolismuseum.gr, which opened its electronic gates to the public on Monday. Läs artikeln >> GREECE | Athens News Agency | Jun 15, 2009 | New Acropolis Museum website Just a few days before its official inauguration, the New Acropolis Museum will open its electronic "gates" to the public on Monday at the website www.theacropolismuseum.gr. The website introduces the Museum to online visitors, enabling them to tour the display areas, and to read up on its history and operation. Läs artikeln >> World Wide Web | Google | Jun 14, 2009 | British Museum to attend Greek launch despite marbles spat LONDON (AFP) — British Museum officials will attend the inauguration of Greece's New Acropolis Museum next week, it said Friday but insisted its stance on the long-disputed Parthenon Marbles remains unchanged. A spokeswoman for the museum also stressed that it had not made an offer nor received a request for those sculptures held in London to be loaned to Athens, following comments by a Greek minister this week. Läs artikeln >> STORBRITANNIEN | Marbles Reunited ![]() | Jun 12, 2009 | MEDIA RELEASE British Museum's offer to 'loan' the Parthenon Marbles to Athens "is a huge missed opportunity", says British Committee for the Reunification of the Parthenon Marbles The British Museum has a chance to prove itself as a visionary world museum this summer by returning the Parthenon Marbles to the New Acropolis Museum in Athens, thereby resolving one of the oldest and most controversial cultural heritage disputes. Instead, this week the British Museum made a conditional offer of a three-month loan which the Greek government have understandably rejected. This is a huge missed opportunity, says the British Committee for the Reunification of the Parthenon Marbles (www.parthenonuk.com). As world leaders, international museum directors, leading archaeologists and the global media prepare to attend the opening ceremony of the New Acropolis Museum in Athens on June 20, the British Museum is clearly unsettled by the now compelling case for reunification. The New Acropolis Museum, which affords unparalleled views of the Parthenon itself, has been specifically designed to accommodate the Parthenon sculptures. The top floor Parthenon Gallery, constructed on the same axis as the ancient temple, allows the metopes, frieze, and pediment sculptures to be displayed in such a way as to be positionally faithful to their original location on the ancient building. Aware of the increasingly adverse publicity surrounding its unjustifiable retention of the sculptures, the British Museum has tried to deflect attention by offering to loan the Marbles to Athens for just three months on the condition that the Greek government acknowledge Britain's legal ownership of the sculptures. Understandably, the Greek government have rejected the offer. In any event, even without onerous conditions attached, three months would never have been a sustainable duration for the loan of such important objects. The British Museum must now set aside petty questions of ownership and legality and seek a constructive solution that does not come with unacceptable conditions attached. Officers of the British Committee for the Reunification of the Parthenon Marbles available for comment are: Chairman: Professor Anthony Snodgrass, MA DPhil Oxford, Professor Emiritus of Classical Archaeology, University of Cambridge. Tel: 01223 313 599, ams1002@cam.ac.uk Deputy Chairman: Chris Price, Oxford graduate with over forty years experience in journalism, politics, education and the arts. Tel: 0207 738 7565, 07894 036329, chris_price@talktalk.net Hon Secretary: Eleni Cubitt, wife to British architect James Cubitt, who set up the BCRPM 1983. Eleni has been dedicated to the Committees work for the last 25 years. Tel: 0207 226 6686, eleni@parthenonuk.com Head of Communications: Tom Flynn, MA(RCA), DPhil. Art historian, writer and arts industry professional. Tel: 020 8769 8261, 07743 693 577, tomflynn@btinternet.com PR: Marlen Taffarello, BA International Relations. Tel:0208 905 6703, 07789533791, marlen@fcdcom.co.uk STORBRITANNIEN | The Guardian | Jun 14, 2009 | Greek fury at Elgin marbles 'loan deal' Queen turns down invitation to opening of major new museum in Athens built to house Acropolis treasures. Läs artikeln >> World Wide Web | google | Jun 10, 2009 | Greece rejects Parthenon Marbles loan offer ATHENS (AFP) — Greece on Thursday turned down a British Museum loan offer for the long-disputed Parthenon Marbles, arguing that acceptance would "legalise their snatching" by a 19th century British diplomat. Läs artikeln >> GREECE | Athens News Agency | Jun 8, 2009 | Event for Acropolis Museum WASHINGTON (ANA-MPA) -- An event entitled "The Secrets of Parthenon" was held here to celebrate the opening of the New Acropolis Museum this month. The event was co-organised by the organisation "American Friends of the New Acropolis Museum" as well as the National Museum of American History following an initiative of the Greek embassy in Washington. Läs artikeln >> USA | NEWSWEEK | Jun 6, 2009 | Romancing the Stones By Cathleen McGuigan From the magazine issue dated Jun 15, 2009 It's not polite to call the Elgin Marbles the Elgin Marbles anymore. Not even in the British Museum, where the ancient Greek sculptures and reliefs have resided since the early 19th century, after a British ambassador to the Ottoman Empire named Lord Elgin hacked them off the Parthenon. Even in that age of imperialism, many Brits saw Elgin's acts as cultural vandalism. Lord Byron slammed the marbles' removal in his bestselling epic poem Childe Harold's Pilgrimage. The call for their return has grown since Greece won its independence from Ottoman rule in 1829, led by the Greek government in particular since the 1980s. In the noisy debate over the restitution of ancient artworks to their original locale, no case is more controversial or inflamed than the question of the Parthenon marbles: should the British finally send them back? Läs artikeln >> GREECE | GRReporter | 05 June, 2009 | All is set for the opening of the New Acropolis museum By Maria Spassova A frenzy of preparations are taking place in Athens where in two weeks the new Acropolis museum is going to have its inauguration. There haven’t been so many VIPs visiting and so much media attention centered on the Greek capital since the Olympic games in 2004. The official opening ceremony will take place on June 20, Saturday, at 8:00 PM. 200 persons of highest standing, including representatives of the world political, cultural and academic elite, will be the guests of honor at the ceremony, directed by Atina Tsangari, a name we know from the Summer Olympics in 2004. The event will include cutting the ribbon, a tour around the museum and a cocktail, after which the officials will participate in a sea-row around the Saronic Gulf on a luxury private jet. [...] Two kings will be arriving in Athens for the official opening - Juan Carlos of Spain and Carl Gustaf of Sweden. Läs artikeln >> USA | ARCHITECTURAL RECORD | June 2, 2009 | Tschumi-Designed Acropolis Museum Opens At Last By David Dillon The New Acropolis Museum, Bernard Tschumi’s minimalist counterpoint to one of the world’s great archaeological sites, officially opens June 20, eight years after he won an international competition to design it, and three decades after the idea for a new Acropolis museum first surfaced. Läs artikeln >> ABU DHABI | The National | May 31, 2009 | Bringing it all back? By Richard Holledge The message is clear. The publicity may well be about the daring architecture designed to house 4,000 artefacts from Greece’s glorious past but the opening of the New Acropolis Museum in Athens next month is about the Elgin Marbles. It’s about the long, unrelenting campaign by Greece to have them returned by the British Museum. Läs artikeln >> USA | Bloomberg | May 27, 2009 | Return Elgin Marbles, Says Acropolis Museum Creator: Interview Interview by Maria Petrakis (Bloomberg) -- Bernard Tschumi can afford a smile as he looks around at his new creation, the New Acropolis Museum, after an eight-year campaign to get it designed and built. The Swiss-born architect has been on a Greek odyssey to get the $177 million structure ready, visiting Athens frequently to balance demands of conservationists, planners and archaeologists. Läs artikeln >> SVERIGE | Dagens Nyheter | 22 maj, 2009 | Nu står Akropolis nya museum äntligen klart Av Ingabritt Tomboulidou Akropolis skatter har nu fått ett nytt och modernt hem. Den 20 juni invigs det nya Akropolismuseet i Aten, bara några hundra meter från Parthenon. Ett museum i världsklass som lugnt kan räkna med minst en miljon besökare varje år. Läs artikeln >> GREECE | Athens News Agency | 20 May, 2009 | New Acropolis Museum opens The galleries of the new Acropolis Museum will be officially unveiled on June 20 in a ceremony that will be in keeping with the importance of the antiquities within their walls, one that will be attended by heads of state and government, noted international figures and broadcast on television throughout the world, Culture Minister Antonis Samaras said on Wednesday. Läs artikeln >> UK | REUTERS | 20 May, 2009 | Greece aims to bring back Parthenon relics from Britain ATHENS (Reuters) - Greece will open a new Acropolis Museum in June, its culture minister said Wednesday, with the aim of bringing back historical monuments currently exhibited in the British Museum in London. Greece has campaigned for decades to retrieve the Parthenon sculptures from the British Museum and said they were an integral part of one of the world's most important monuments, but the British Museum has refused to return the treasures. Läs artikeln >> CANADA | CBC | 19 May, 2009 | Greece displays repatriated antiquities Greece unveiled hundreds of looted antiquities on Monday, saying they had been returned by Germany, Belgium and Britain. Among the items displayed at the Archaeological Museum in Athens was an 11th or 12th century marble fragment, which Culture Minister Antonis Samaras said had been returned from Britain. Läs artikeln >> GREECE | Athens News Agency | 18 May, 2009 | PM tours New Acropolis Museum Prime Minister Costas Karamanlis on Saturday toured the New Acropolis Museum a month before Greece’s newest and state-of-the-art museum opens to the public some 400 metres beneath the Acropolis Hill. Läs artikeln >> AUSTRALIEN | The Sydney Morning Herald | 12 May, 2009 | Greece steps up demands for return of Elgin Marbles for new museum ATHENS: Greece is making new demands for the return of the Elgin Marbles to coincide with the opening next month of the £115 million ($230 million) Acropolis Museum, which has a reserved space for the famous piece of classical statuary. The museum has been established as a home for the 146-metre-long frieze that adorned the Parthenon until 1801. Läs artikeln >> SVERIGE | Dagens Nyheter | 12 maj, 2009 | "Vem äger konstskatterna? Museer borde låna mer av varandra." Kulturskribenten Ingrid Elam kommenterar museidebatten. Läs kommentaren >> FINLAND | University of Helsinki | 12 May, 2009 | Return of the Marbles? "London now has a unique possibility to live up to modern thinking and international agreement by declaring to bring the Parthenon Marbles back to Athens" - London is hosting the Olympics in the year 2012. London now has a unique possibility to live up to modern thinking and international agreement by declaring to bring the Parthenon Marbles back to Athens, says Professor Mika Kajava from the University of Helsinki and Vice President of the Finnish Committee for the Restitution of the Parthenon Sculptures. Läs artikeln >> GREECE | Athens News Agency | 11 May, 2009 | Skulpturhalle Basel hosts Acropolis Museum exhibition An exhibition promoting the New Acropolis Museum in Athens will open at Skulpturhalle Basel, Switzerland, on May 12, part of an initiative by the Hellenic Foundation for Culture (HFC). Läs artikeln >> ENGLAND | telegraph.co.uk | 11 May, 2009 | Greek government unveils new home for Elgin Marbles Fresh demands for the return of the Elgin Marbles are accompanying the launch next month of the £115 million Acropolis Museum, which has a reserved space for the world's most famous piece of classical statuary. Läs artikeln >> ATHENS | Athens News Agency | 07 May, 2009 | Helsinki event for return of Parthenon Marbles -- President of the Republic Karolos Papoulias, on a state visit to Finland, expressed hope that the Parthenon Marbles, which are currently in the British Museum, will soon be placed "in the spot awaiting them", a reference to the New Acropolis Museum that will be inaugurated next month. Läs mer >> LONDON | PRNewswire | 06 May, 2009 | Students, Supported by Marbles Reunited, Stage a Peaceful Protest at the British Museum -- Forty five secondary school students and five teachers from the 2nd General Lyceum in Argostoli (Kefalonia, Greece), visited London in order to stage a peaceful protest for the return of the Parthenon Sculptures to Athens at the British Museum on Sunday 03 May 2009. This protest was supported by Marbles Reunited. ![]() © Marbles Reunited Läs artikeln >> ATHENS, GREECE | Kathemerini | 05 May, 2009 | Celebrating beneath the Acropolis By Iota Sykka Inaugural events for new museum scheduled to last four days and include long guestlist Läs mer >> | 26 April, 2009 | Acropolis museum to open in June ATHENS (AFP) — The ultra-modern Acropolis museum, situated below the ancient landmark that defines the Greek capital Athens, will belatedly open in June, Greek Culture Minister Antonis Samaras said Sunday. "We are preparing a jewel of a museum whose opening on June 20 will be a major, global event," said Samaras after giving European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso a guided tour of the venue. Läs mer >> USA | New York Review of Books | April, 2009 | Volume 56, Number 8 · May 14, 2009 Who Should Own the World's Antiquities? By Hugh Eakin Who Owns Antiquity? Museums and the Battle Over Our Ancient Heritage By James Cuno Princeton University Press, 228 pp., $24.95 Whose Culture? The Promise of Museums and the Debate Over Antiquities edited By James Cuno Princeton University Press, 220 pp.. $24.95 Mer information >> STOCKHOLM DEN SVENSKA PARTHENONKOMMITTÉN HÅLLER ÅRSMÖTE LÖRDAGEN DEN 25 APRIL 2009. I DIREKT ANSLUTNING TILL ÅRSMÖTET ANORDNAS EN TEMAEFTERMIDDAG. PLATS: MEDELHAVSMUSEET TID: KLOCKAN 14.00-16.00. FÖR MEDLEMMAR: ÅRSMÖTE KL.13.30 VARMT VÄLKOMNA! FÖR PROGRAMINFORMATION >> | The Telegraph | 20 March, 2009 | Athens basks in its ancient glory By John Gimlette With a toddler and grandmother in tow, John Gimlette sets out to discover if the Greek capital will enthral his family. They are left speechless. Läs artikeln >> USA | Democracy Arsenal | 2 March, 2009 | Stolen Art and International Relations Posted by Hanna Lundqvist The looting of art and historical artifacts is often dismissed as a factor in international relations. Having studied art history in college and now working in foreign policy, I feel that when dealing with an issue portfolio that includes nuclear proliferation, war, economic crises, and global warming, the lower priority of art and culture is usually reasonable - however, this does not mean that the problem of looting should be entirely ignored, particularly because of the strong ties between art and national pride. Stolen art is not merely of concern due to the loss of object context for art historians and archeologists or cultural patrimony. Though usually rightly on the back-burner, looted art is a legitimate and often hot-tempered foreign policy issue. Läs artikeln >> BBC | World Service | Mars, 2009 | Radioprogram med diskussioner kring frågan om ett återlämnande av artefakter till ursprungsländerna. 50 minuter. Lyssna >> Macau | Daily Times News | 28 February, 2009 | China wrath over YSL sale comes as restitution claims increase By Fabienne Faur - AFP China's wrath over this week's sale of two ancient Chinese bronzes comes as more and more nations demand the return of heritage works -- from Iraqi antiquities to the Elgin Marbles -- with some snatched thousands of years ago. "There are restitutions each and every day," said Edouard Planche, a cultural property expert at UNESCO. "There are more and more claims." Läs artikeln >> Nya Zeeland | stuff.co.nz | 25 February, 2009 | Ancients modernised at New Acropolis By NIKKI MacDONALD - The Dominion Post The British will have to come up with a new excuse to hang on to the Parthenon frieze sculptures known as the Elgin Marbles. With the polished spaces of Athens' New Acropolis Museum about to open, there can be no suggestion Greece lacks an appropriate stage to show off the ancient marble reliefs. Läs artikeln >> USA | American Chronicle | 23 February, 2009 | Eight Reasons: Why the Parthenon Sculptures must be returned to Greece By Nicolas Mottas The date has been announced. On June 20th, the New Acropolis Museum of Athens will be inaugurated, opening its gates to the public. Crouching at the foot of the Acropolis rock, the brand new Museum is consisting the forefront of Greece's continual effort for the restoration of the Parthenon Marbles. The opening of the 130 million Euro ultra-modern building, which covers almost 14,000 square meters of exchibition space, dismantles the years-long argument that there isn't a proper place to host the ancient Sculptures in Athens. But, actually, the new Museum isn't the only reason which advocates in favour of Parthenon's Sculptures back to Greece - there are, at least, seven more points: Läs artikeln >> AFRICANET | | 22 February, 2009 | Comments on a lecture by Neil Macgregor, British Museum Director WHEN WILL EVERYBODY FINALLY ACCEPT THAT THE BRITISH MUSEUM IS A BRITISH INSTITUTION? COMMENTS ON A LECTURE BY NEIL MACGREGOR By Dr. Kwame Opoku Läs artikeln >> USA | | 20 February, 2009 | NEWSLETTER from The American Committee for the Reunification of the Parthenon Sculptures. Read the Newsletter >> ATEN | GREKLAND | 16 februari, 2009 | DET NYA AKROPOLISMUSEETS INVIGNING KOMMER ATT ÄGA RUM LÖRDAGEN DEN 20 JUNI 2009 ENLIGT ETT PRESSMEDDELANDE FRÅN DET GREKISKA KULTURMINISTERIET. Svenska Dagbladet | | 11 februari, 2009 | ANTIKENS MARMORSTATYER EN VIT LÖGN Av Barbro Santillo Frizell OMVÄRDERING Den vita marmorn i antikens statyer var länge en pelare som bar upp västvärldens kulturella identitet och visade på dess överlägsenhet. Bilden har varit så etablerad att det varit svårt att inse vad forskarna vetat i hundra år - statyerna var målade i grälla färger. Barbro Santillo Frizell är professor i antikens kultur och samhällsliv och direktör för Svenska Institutet i Rom. Läs artikeln >> Svenska Dagbladet | | 10 februari, 2009 | KONSTEN ETT BEGÄRLIGT KRIGSBYTE Av Mattias Legnér VÄRDSARV Under upplysningen började plundrandet av städer och slott betraktas som ett problem, och för första gången började man tala om ett allmänmänskligt kulturarv som det gällde att skona. En ny bok behandlar stulen konst från antiken fram till 1800-talet. Bokens titel: "The Art as Plunder, The Ancient Origins of Debate about Cultural Property" (Cambridge University Press, 426 p) Mattias Legnér är fil dr och högskolelektor i kulturvård vid Högskolan på Gotland. Läs artikeln >> PRINCETON UNIVERSITY PRESS blog | | 27 January, 2009 | "Where do the great treasures of ancient art belong? In the western museums or in countries where the civilizations that created them once flourished?" By JAMES CUNO James Cuno is president and director of the Art Institute of Chicago and former director of the Courtauld Institute of Art and the Harvard University Art Museums. Läs bloginlägget >> | 23 January, 2009 | RESPONSE TO THE GREAT GREAT GREAT GRANDSON OF LORD ELGIN By Kwame Opoku, Dr. Alastair Bruce may have a filial duty in respect of the Parthenon/Elgin Marbles and no one can criticise him for that. After all, we are not responsible for the deeds or missdeeds of our ancestors. Läs artikeln >> Grekland| | 11 januari, 2009 | Greklands regering har fått en rad nya ministrar idag, bland dem en ny kulturminister - Antonis Samaras. | Svenska Dagbladet | 8 januari, 2009 | WINCKELMANN OCH DEN UNIKA IMITATIONEN Av Anders Burman, idéhistoriker vid Södertörns högskola ANTIKA IDEAL "Det enda sättet för oss att bli stora, ja oefterbildliga, är att efterbilda de antika." Det skrev Johann Joachim Winckelmann i en ofta citerad passage. En nyutgiven skrift av Winckelmann ger intressanta inblickar i den nyklassicism som han var med och formulerade. Läs artikeln >> Modern Ghana | | 3 January, 2009 | CAN NATIONALISM BE SOLD AS INTERNATIONALISM VIA THE BRITISH MUSEUM? SANCTIFICATION OF BRITISH SPOLIATIONS AND LOOT By Kwame Opoku, Dr. The choice of a personality as "Briton of the year" is clearly a matter for British nationalists and a non-Briton has no business examining the basis of such a choice. It is up to the British to indulge in such a game if they consider it worthwhile. However when a leading British newspaper, The Times, making such a designation for the first time, writes in this connection that the "British Museum is the best in the world", that it is a museum for the world and refers to an "international society" and "global society", calls its director whom it has selected as "Briton of the year", "Saint Neil" and declares that "his most profound belief is that the British Museum was established for the benefit of all nations", then non-Britons are provoked to comment. Läs artikeln >> Läs nyheter från 2008 >> Läs nyheter från 2007 >> Läs föregående års nyheter från 2004-2006 >> Tillbaka >> |