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GREAT BRITAIN | Stephen Fry homepage

December 19th | 2011 |

A Modest Proposal - It’s time we lost our marbles.

By Stephen Fry

Greece is the Word

I have a modest proposal that might simultaneously celebrate the life of Christopher Hitchens, strengthen Britain’s low stock in Europe and allow us to help a dear friend in terrible trouble.

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GREAT BRITAIN | sourcewire.com

December 16th | 2011 |

Tribute to the late Christopher Hitchens from the BCRPM

The British Committee for the Reunification of the Parthenon Marbles (BCRPM) today paid tribute to the late Christopher Hitchens who died earlier this week, for his keen support for the return of the Parthenon Marbles to Greece.

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SVERIGE | Dagens Nyheter

Oktober 03 | 2011 |

Ett uppbrott från historien är nödvändig

Grekland behöver en nystart där man lämnar det förgångna bakom sig. Dess moderna historia är fylld med skuldkriser och statsbankrutter, från tidigt 1800-tal och framåt. Men redan hos de gamla grekerna stod betalningsmoralen inte alltid så högt i kurs.

Av Johan Schück, samhällsekonomisk krönikör på DN.

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SVERIGE | Dagens Nyheter

Oktober 03 | 2011 |

Vem minns inte det första besöket i Aten, andakten inför åsynen av allt det man tragglat med i böckerna. Så nära en pilgrimsfärd det går att komma, för en icke-troende.

Av Nathan Shachar, medarbetare och krönikör på DN.

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UK | Marbles Reunited

October | 2011 |

Marbles Reunited campaign for the reunification for the Parthenon Marbles in PDF format.

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UK | artknows

May 10 | 2011 |
Blog by Tom Flynn

Parthenon Marbles inspire kitsch cladding on Olympic dormitories following "clandestine" nocturnal meeting at British Museum

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March 30 | 2011 |

Athletes Village Block N15 by Niall Mclaughlin Architects, Stratford, London

By Rob Gregory

Niall McLaughlin replicates the Elgin Marbles as a facade for London's Olympic Village housing.

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March 23| 2011 |

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Interwju with Dr. Zahi Hawass about his resignation as Secretary General of The Supreme Council of Antiquities in Egypt.

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USA | The Hellenic News of America

Mars | 2011 |


Writer N.J. Slabbert, creator of the Sword Of Zeus Project on the role of Greece in WWII, has urged Britain to return the Elgin Marbles to Athens without further delay to honor Greeks who fell in the war.

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www | Google

Mars | 2011|

Google Alert - parthenon marbles news

Athens - Greek archaeologists on Friday said they had discovered five long-lost friezes from the 2,500-year-old Parthenon in the walls of the ancient Acropolis.

The friezes, which had been taken away to be used as building materials for the ancient Acropolis which at one point served as a fortress, were located along its southern walls by a weather balloon camera, officials at the Culture Ministry said.

The fragments were detected by air during a vertical scan of the walls of the Acropolis by the Culture Ministry, where a total of 2,250 photographs were taken.

The Parthenon has suffered extensive damage over the centuries and archaeologists believed many of the friezes adorning the southern part of the temple were destroyed after it was bombed during a 17th century Venetian siege of Ottoman-held Athens or taken.

Most of the interior walls of the temple, apart from the west end, were destroyed during the bombing, bringing many of the friezes and metopes down with them.

In the early 19th century, British diplomat Lord Elgin tore down a large number of the remaining friezes from the Parthenon and shipped them to Britain.

The artifacts were sold to the British Museum, which has since refused to relinquish the sculptures, insisting the transaction was legal. The sculptures include depictions of religious and mythological scenes.

Greece remains steadfast in its demand for the permanent return of the Parthenon Marbles to the new museum in Athens but the British government and museum has refused, arguing that the marbles are more accessible to visitors in London.

At a cost of 120 million euros (160 million dollars), the new museum is the Greek government's key argument for the return of the Parthenon, or Elgin, marbles from Britain.

www | GOOGLE

Feb 1 | 2011 |

Greece's Acropolis: no crisis for restoration

By Isabel Malsang (AFP)

ATHENS — Like the victory goddess it honours, Athens' ancient Temple of Athena Nike stands free of scaffolding for the first time in nine years in a testament to another triumph -- the prolific restoration of the Acropolis.

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January 18 | 2011|

Den Amerikanska Parthenonkommitténs Nyhetsbrev.

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www | YouTube

January 16 | 2011 |

Battle of ideas | Speakers: Dr Tiffany Jenkins; Dr Paul Thompson; Karl-Erik Norrman; Geoffrey White Chair: Pauline Hadaway

The ownership of the Parthenon Marbles has been disputed since their removal from Athens in the early 19th century, by Lord Elgin. Some argue the sculptures belong in Greece, where they were carved almost two and a half thousand years go. Advocates of repatriation insist that the marbles are part of the heritage of Greece, and should never have been taken in the first place. Others feel that the marbles are now part of the history of the British Museum, and point out that in their current Bloomsbury home they can be seen in relation to other cultures, as part of world history. But with the opening of the new Acropolis Museum in Athens, a state-of-the-art centre, claims for their return are growing stronger.

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January 5 | 2011 |

Parthenon Marbles: Taking up the fight
By Trevor Timpson BBC News

Greek calls for the UK to return the Parthenon Marbles, nearly 200 years after they were removed from the Acropolis and shipped to London, have a new advocate leading the battle in the UK.

Former MP Eddie O'Hara, the new chairman of the British Committee for the Reunification of the Parthenon Marbles (BCRPM), has told the BBC News website he is optimistic the campaign for the British Museum to return the sculptures, also known as the Elgin Marbles, will succeed.

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